The hiking boots are suitable for trekking, hiking, walking, travelling, fishing, mountaineering and camping outdoor sports. The color contrast design gives people a fashionable sense of city, but also very suitable for outdoor sports use. Durable midsole for long lasting comfort, superior cushioning, and high energy return as well as an advanced traction GUM rubber sole for slip-free movement on rough ground.
Mid-top hiking shoes with GUM soles help stabilizing while the streamlined patch on heel provides great support, reducing outdoors risk. No more slipping and falling on wet or muddy surfaces! Good arch and ankle support are also featured for a greater posture and balance! The hiking boots are designed with lacing, which will not be easily loosened in the outdoor environment. We provide long shoelaces, which can be easily adjusted by even if we wear very thick socks.
These shoes are broad at the toes. NO NEED to go for Bigger than your normal size even for trekking. Self cleaning cleated outsole spits out debris as you walk.
Features & Specifications:
Outer Material – Synthetic Foam
Inner Material – Synthetic
Sole – Rubber Gum Sole
Closure Type – Lace-up
Heel Type – Flat
Mould thick sole with anti-skid & slip resistant properties
Self cleaning cleated outsole spits out debris as you walk
Disclaimer: Product color may slightly vary due to
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